Welcome to St Peters Bay 
St. Peters Bay is noted for having one of the most beautiful views on the island, as well as its cultural and historical richness. The area contains traces left by the major cultures that have existed on Prince Edward Island over the past ten thousand years, including the first Aboriginal peoples, the Mi’kmaq, French and Acadian Settlers, and Scottish, Irish and English immigrants. It is also where you will find Greenwich National Park, a protected dunes area.
Watch the sunset over the Bay, as the sky passes through various shades of pink and red, with the reflections in the water enhancing all the colour. See the lines of buoys, running for miles up the bay, growing the world famous Prince Edward Island mussels. Watch the herons walk along the shore, silently watching for their next meal to swim past. If you are lucky, an eagle or osprey will be circling overhead, waiting to dive down, only to climb back up majestically into the sky.
St Peters Courthouse Theatre
Featuring live music and theatre throughout the summer The Courthouse Theatre is a short walk from the St Peter’s Landing Shops and commands a wonderful view out over St. Peter’s Bay.
‘Quigley Hall is an historic heritage building that at various times served the community as a courthouse and a schoolhouse.
Please visit www.courthousetheatre.ca for seasonal programming & events.

Greenwich National Park
The Village of St. Peter’s and Greenwich National Park are linked with a ‘new in 2022’ dedicated cycle and walking path. Enjoy the scenic path that leads to the park, in a safe environment for cyclists and walkers.

Confederation Trail
Running through St Peters Bay is the Confederation Trail. This cycling and walking trail runs the length of Prince Edward Island. The section from St Peters Bay to Morell is one of the few sections of the trail that runs along the water, prompting many to call it the most scenic section of trail on Prince Edward Island.
Get up for an early walk and watch the mist fade away from the land, with the scenery over the Bay slowly revealing itself. Or visit the trail in the evening as the sun sets and the colours jump out. If winter sports are more to your liking, the trail is turned over to snowmobiles once the snow falls.